Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed
We often view the use of the word, creed, in a religious context, and rightfully so; but at its essence, a creed is a belief that is fundamental, a guiding principle. This Podcast is dedicated to the principle of freedom and liberty. The antithesis of freedom and liberty is oppression. The right to be free is a fundamental belief in American culture, and must never be taken for granted or abused. Therefore, the creed of freedom is more important than any other principle or belief...indeed, perhaps the most important.
100 episodes
Be An Inspiration
Every single one of us can, and should be, as much of an inspiration to other people as possible. And if we are fortunate enough to have any sort of platform, then all the more reason to strive to uplift. In fact, if your voice is h...
Season 4
Episode 100

One Fifth
Borrowing, when there is no reasonable chance to pay back the funds, is not even close to what most of us would consider sound economic advice. Unfortunately, this is how the government has been operating for quite some time now. An...
Season 4
Episode 99

Scam Artists
It takes some really despicable people to take advantage of vulnerable people in our society. These scammers seem to have no conscience, they attempt to steal whatever they want. And in many cases, unfortunately, they are successful...
Season 3
Episode 98

Government Overreach
When we submit to the will of an out-of-control government, that takes advantage of our liberty and freedom, indeed actively attempts to minimize our liberty and freedom; then we have succumbed to the control of tyranny. Our Constitution,...
Season 3
Episode 97

Unchecked Power
If we're not careful, not paying attention, or simply don't care, we'll find ourselves in a country that resembles totalitarianism, not freedom and liberty. And then it will be too late to do anything about it. We must preserve the ...
Season 3
Episode 96

Stopping to think about what's really important is something we should all do on a regular basis. We have to be willing to stand up for what we believe, and continue to respect the rights of all people to believe what they will.
Season 3
Episode 95

Borders, Black Markets, Firearms
We live in a very open country, to be sure. And for that reason, the "powers that be" need to ensure that they have the safety of the American people as a top priority. Unless we want to end up like Israel, and experience a terror a...
Season 3
Episode 94

Control of Land Tends to Breed Hostility...Why?
Editing Note: At around the 8:10 mark of the episode, I said that "Gaza takes over..." What I meant to say is that "Hamas takes over." There are regions of the world that have been hotbeds for war and strife for genera...
Season 3
Episode 93

We Need to Find a Better Way
Doing the right thing, that which is kind and nice, doesn't get the attention it deserves in society today; however, just because niceness doesn't sell in the corporate media cesspool, doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace it. It only takes a...
Season 3
Episode 92

Nine Eleven
We must never forget what happened on September 11, 2001. We owe it to those who perished, as well as to their families, to remember their sacrifices.
Season 3
Episode 91

Thankful for Limited Animal Performance
Granted, human beings often show a tendency to misuse the ability to think, reason, be rational, or treat other humans kindly. But imagine if we were to throw animals into the mix. Yikes!
Season 3
Episode 90

We Need to See the Good
There is plenty that we can all observe in our society, that needs improving. But what about the good that people do on a daily basis? We need to take back the narrative! Let's not allow ourselves to be dictated to, by those w...
Season 3
Episode 89

Emasculating Men
Contrary to "popular opinion" it's not cool to ridicule men for being masculine. I make a legitimate attempt to justify masculine behavior in men - and for that matter, the fact that there is both feminine and masculine characteristics in...
Season 3
Episode 88

M. D. 23
Whatever you're doing this Memorial Day weekend, take a few moments to reflect on the lives that have been lost, to preserve your right to enjoy a holiday. Remember the fallen.
Season 3
Episode 87

The Right to be Innocent
The right of the presumption of innocence, as enumerated in the Bill of Rights, is likely one of the most important and basic rights that exists for all Americans. We must do all within our power to ensure that that right, as well as all ...
Season 3
Episode 86

Management of the Soul
We all get the opportunity to make better choices today than we did yesterday. This life is both challenging and exhilarating. The goal is to make the most of it day after day.
Season 3
Episode 85

Article 2
The Constitution is limited, some may even say that it's vague, with respect to the duties of the President. And to be fair, it is vague regarding many aspects of the three coequal branches of government. But as to whether the Const...
Season 3
Episode 84

Mental Illness
There seems to be an epidemic of consequential significance in America today, it's called mental illness. If our nations leaders, media, clinicians, and others, do not start addressing this epidemic seriously, it will not end well for any...
Season 3
Episode 83

Equal Vs. Equality
The arguments about equal and equality have been debated a lot in recent years. My take on the matter is what I believe to be, straightforward. I'm no biologist, but I understand basic science.
Season 3
Episode 82

Oath of Office
The oath entered into by those who work in government must actually mean something. We must hold them to account for that oath!
Season 3
Episode 81

Will we ever know the truth regarding issues that the press has the responsibility to share with the people? We may never know. But what we need to know is that we have a responsibility as citizens to find out the truth...no matter ...
Season 2
Episode 80

Truth in Government
Wouldn't it be nice if our elected leaders held themselves to the same high standards that they like to hold corporations and other organizations accountable to?
Season 2
Episode 79

Life is short. I believe that we should strive to be a friend to all, even if we don't agree with them all of the time. Of course, we're going to have friends that we will always keep close. May each of us be the kind of frien...
Season 2
Episode 78