Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed
We often view the use of the word, creed, in a religious context, and rightfully so; but at its essence, a creed is a belief that is fundamental, a guiding principle. This Podcast is dedicated to the principle of freedom and liberty. The antithesis of freedom and liberty is oppression. The right to be free is a fundamental belief in American culture, and must never be taken for granted or abused. Therefore, the creed of freedom is more important than any other principle or belief...indeed, perhaps the most important.
Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed
We Need to See the Good
There is plenty that we can all observe in our society, that needs improving. But what about the good that people do on a daily basis? We need to take back the narrative! Let's not allow ourselves to be dictated to, by those who seem to be succeeding in their quest to divide us, and pit us against each other. We need to choose to do the right thing, simply because it is the right thing.