Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed
We often view the use of the word, creed, in a religious context, and rightfully so; but at its essence, a creed is a belief that is fundamental, a guiding principle. This Podcast is dedicated to the principle of freedom and liberty. The antithesis of freedom and liberty is oppression. The right to be free is a fundamental belief in American culture, and must never be taken for granted or abused. Therefore, the creed of freedom is more important than any other principle or belief...indeed, perhaps the most important.
Freedom's Creed with Rex Reed
Unchecked Power
If we're not careful, not paying attention, or simply don't care, we'll find ourselves in a country that resembles totalitarianism, not freedom and liberty. And then it will be too late to do anything about it. We must preserve the Constitution if we expect our children and grandchildren to have any hope of benefiting from the sacrifices of those who gave their lives to preserve it.